CREDIT POPULAIRE SA is a 2nd category microfinance institution (EMF), approved in March 2020 by the Ministry of Finance (MINFI) and the Central African Banking Commission (COBAC).
Indeed, created in December 2003 in the form of a Savings and Credit Cooperative Company (ECPC) on Certificate of registration in the COOP-GIC trade register n°LT/CO/28/03/5681 of December 10, 2003, Crédit Populaire has complied with all the reforms of the sector instituted by the public authorities, which earned its approval as a 1st category EMF following the restructuring of the sector, and remains an independent EMF.
YESTERDAY (1st Category Microfinance)
The institution opened its doors on February 14, 2004 following ministerial authorization. It was basically made up of a single agency located in Bonaberi (Douala) at a place called Manbanda, and its main activity was Mobile Savings, also called Daily Collection. It continued to grow after obtaining its MINFI/COBAC approval in August 2006. Classified as a COOP-CA 1st category microfinance establishment , it offers several services to its members.
TODAY (2nd Category Microfinance)
The sustained growth of the establishment over the years has enabled it to obtain, since March 2020, its COBAC / MINFI approval as a 2nd category microfinance establishment under the name CREDIT POPULAIRE SA
To date its network is made up of 13 (thirteen) agencies covering 04 (four) regions (Littoral, Centre, West, North-West) out of 10 (ten), in the main cities of: Douala, Yaoundé, Bafoussam and Bamenda . Its head office is located in Bessenguè-Douala and the General Management is located in AKWA-Douala, 793 Rue Boué de Lapeyrère (Rue Mermoz, opposite the DIKA AKWA palace, behind the BGFT).
In the process of improving the quality of service and its rapprochement with the populations, CREDIT POPULAIRE SA today offers its members two major services: SMS Banking and Mobile Banking .
CREDIT POPULAIRE SA aims to get closer to the population by covering the entire national territory with points of sale, and by the digitalization of its services by making them accessible through connected equipment.